
There are 2 keys to successful therapy. The first is being a trusting and meaningful bond between the therapist and the client. My goal is to give you a space that allows you to work on the challenges in your life experiencing my care and support. The 2nd key to successful therapy is the therapist being able to identify and lead the client through the appropriate treatments and strategies for the goals and situation of each particular client. I have learned and been practicing some of the most deeply researched and validated approaches in the therapeutic world for over 14 years.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)is a highly respected and innovative therapeutic approach that very powerfully enable clients to go to the very root of their current problems and treat the underlying hurts and wounds that creates and contributes to many of the common symptoms we all can struggle with: anxiety, low self esteem and confidence, depression, relational troubles, OCD, PTSD, anger, failure to thrive, addictions and bad habits with food, alcohol, sex, pornography, etc… These touchstone painful experiences that shape us get stored in our brains and shape how we view ourselves, and how we process the world around us. EMDR allows us to now access those stored memories and facilitate the brain processing them through clearing them out in a manner that leaves clients with new freedom from the effects and symptoms created by those painful experiences. Learning EMDR has been one of the most influential developments in my professional life and energizes me to bring it to as many people as possible!

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is also a well known therapy and is very helpful in many situations for people. It is founded on the simple observation that our thoughts and beliefs effect our emotional states and behaviors. In turn, as identify distortions in our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world we can feel differently and experiment with trying new behaviors that will help to give us new experiences of life. I use many of the principles and techniques of CBT on their own and to enhance and strengthen the work that EMDR does in therapy.


Client Testimonies Shared with Their Consent

“Siena’s” Story. (In her 30s and found great healing in 14 Remote EMDR Sessions.) “I was at a point in my life where no matter how hard I tried to do the right things that were good for me; nothing was able to “fix” myself and my mind. Eating right, exercising, praying, etc. I was doing everything right and yet I was a mess everyday emotionally and mentally. In my desperation my family asked me to try EMDR. I dedicated myself to the process and worked through the sessions and experienced a healing process I did not know was possible. Things I dealt with in my sessions surprised me and traumas came up that had bothered me since childhood. My childhood trauma to most people would not have looked like trauma to most, but to my brain the incidents were stuck in my mind on replay. When we started working one incident at a time and processing them out of my brain, it felt really amazing! Building on that progress each session was incredible! I felt my brain healing and I was sensing the change in myself. I told myself to be really honest and brave in my sessions. I am so thankful I was able to be honest and truly dig into my mind. I grew to fully believe in the strategy that my brain was like any other part of my body and just needed healing. We could process these traumas. My thoughts could be redirected and in a much different place. I no longer think of the traumas that I dealt with in my sessions and they no longer have any presence in my mind and life. My best analogy to explain EMDR is like I was walking through an airport with 12 bags strapped to my body. Stumbling, sweating, overwhelmed, and completely out of sorts. And after my EMDR sessions I was walking through the airport with 2 bags, normal and confident ready to face the challenges of the day. I am so grateful beyond words to be at this place. Other than my faith; EMDR is the greatest gift I have ever received. When I started I did not believe anything could help, and I am so glad I was so wrong.”

Answered Prayer. (Teenage Son heals trauma after years of suffering.) “Finding EMDR was truly an answer to prayer. About 3 years ago our teenage son suffered a severely traumatic event when he was a victim of a brutal mob assault. This event resulted in many months of court hearings, meetings with police, attorneys, etc… The stress and anxiety led to depression and self medicating behaviors. We began traditional talk therapy, and antidepressants. He was unable to find the words to process or discuss what he was feeling. One of my friends whose daughter had successfully completed EMDR recommended that we give it a try. After just a few sessions we began seeing our son's behavior change. He suddenly began engaging again with family and friends. He “played” again with his younger sister, stopped self-medicating and began smiling again.  Traditional talk therapy only resulted in him becoming more frustrated and angry.  Our son could not explain why he was feeling better but just that he was.  After completing about 8 sessions our son is doing well and continues to maintain his improvement.  I am so grateful to Josh. His expertise, patience and understanding has truly changed our lives.  Thank you.” 

Perseverance and Faith. “Josh is the 4th therapist I have seen in my life, but the only one to help me make meaningful progress. I have struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a teenager, but both were significantly exacerbated by my job as an urban trauma RN. After a few years of commiserating with my equally mentally unhealthy coworkers, and trauma dumping on my mom a few too many times, she strongly encouraged me to try EMDR. After just a few sessions, EMDR was able to help me “clear out” a lot of the anxiety, fear, compassion fatigue, and guilt associated with certain encounters and memories. I felt like I had freed emotional storage in my brain by finally releasing the clutter from unprocessed trauma. Those EMDR sessions led to more EMDR to unravel some anxieties I’ve blindly shouldered around for years. Now, I find immense benefit in “maintenance” EMDR to clear out anything I find myself carrying around. It has helped my anxiety and depression significantly.

Before working with Josh, I had never seen a Catholic therapist. It made a world of difference for me to have a therapist who could understand and encourage my faith, while also helping me to realign some of my thinking around it. I have recommended Josh to other Catholics, as he has helped me find truth in chaos while honoring and supporting my faith.”

Firm Believer: “I am a firm believer in the effectiveness of EMDR therapy and Josh is a big part of the reason why! EMDR has the potential of helping with so many mental health issues, but it takes a good provider to boost its efficacy. Josh is so good at this, he knows how to find the root causes of issues and, with EMDR, weed them out. He is understanding and easy to talk to, has a calming personality, is professional, and helps to keep things light even when dealing with hard subjects. He's genuinely interested and invested in your story. And on top of all that, he has the expertise to hit targets and clear them out.

Those who are going to a counselor need to realize that it can be a long process to achieve the desired results. But with EMDR and a good therapist like Josh, often the results happen much faster than expected! Over the course of several years, I have given referrals for as well as received treatment myself. Through this, I have firsthand knowledge of Josh's EMDR therapy helping with complex PTSD, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, perfectionism and pornography addiction. I take every opportunity I can to help spread the word about EMDR therapy and the importance of taking care of our mental health, because life is hard and everyone needs help at some point.” 

Healing After Surgery: “Due to a chronic health condition, I had multiple brain surgeries when I was eleven. They were the scariest moments in my life. A couple of years after my recovery, moments from those surgeries started coming up in my thoughts and replaying in my head over and over. The idea of another brain surgery was constantly floating around in my mind. It got to the point where one headache would send me into complete panic. My head hurts a little? I went into a panic that I would have to go straight to the ER and get surgery. It was a horrific way to live. It was like I was completely shutting down. Then I started EMDR with Josh, and it was like all of that chaos was getting sucked out of me and was being replaced with reassurance. It’s not just going into a session with so much panic and leaving with no panic; it’s going in with panic and leaving with peace.”